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Utilising Vald Performance Systems In School Sport

Updated: May 5

In the realm of sport, understanding human movement, performance and injury risk, has never been more crucial. Vald Performance has a range of innovative systems that provide deep insights into musculoskeletal and neural performance. Over the past year we have been fortunate enough to work with and integrate Vald Performance equipment into our school sports program.


Tailoring Training: A Personalised Approach

One of the main advantages of integrating Vald Performance systems into our school sport programme is the ability to truly understand the student body. By assessing individual movement patterns and capabilities, our coaches have been able to tailor training that matches each student-athlete's unique needs. Whether this is within the school's curriculum or performance teams, the ease of Vald systems' has allowed us to use them across the full width of the student body.

Baseline Data for Return to Play

Baseline measurements are a fundamental component of any training program. Particularly with the Force Decks and Dynamo systems, we have been able to collect and monitor reference points for rehabilitation and return-to-play protocols. By tracking metrics, such as force output & eccentric braking asymmetry (right to left leg), and jump height we have worked alongside medical professionals to tailor four ACL recovery programmes. Combined with a systematic approach to recording how and when injuries occur, we have been able to gain an overview of the full journey from injury to full recovery. The screenshot below shows an example of concentric and eccentric asymmetries over a 4 week period.

In order to discover the explore how we can best use the Vald systems, we have looked to use the technology to assess various aspects of performance within the school. For example, we have been able to work with one of our elite level musicians suffering from overuse injuries, by monitoring various hand and arm strengths. This adaptability demonstrates the potential of integrating Vald systems into the whole school environment.


Out of the Classroom and onto the Pitch

The beauty of Vald is that they have a range of systems is that they all feed into a central hub. This means it is possible to conduct baseline measurements during regular school hours while still being able to assess readiness across the globe. For example, the portability of the Dynamo, allows for use anywhere from local friendlies to international tournaments.

Empowering Athletes through Vald Performance Integration

It is important for me to say that I do not work for Vald. I simply love the systems they provide. Integrating Vald Performance equipment into a school sports programme marks a significant move toward optimising student-athlete performance, health and well-being. By utilizing Vald's tools to assess, analyse, and monitor performance, schools can cultivate a culture of excellence that empowers their athletes to reach their highest potential while prioritizing their long-term health and well-being.

If you are interested in other ways to improve the monitoring, performance and wellness of your students and athletes, you may also like this post on self-reported wellness scores.


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