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Strength Coach Nause

The strength and conditioning and sports performance industries can be a hard landscape to navigate. Highly competitive jobs that require an increasingly vast array of skills, knowledge, and understanding of new technologies are the norm.


The purpose of Strength Coach Nause is to help coaches and athletes manage multiple moving parts and get back to what they love doing! We do this by delivering automated tools and products that help streamline your process and develop your own athlete monitoring systems and the best data visualisation. From an athlete perspective, we help them dip their toe into the analysis side of training and make better informed programming choices to best reach their goals.

Strength Coach Nause Logo

Strength Coach Toolkit

All the tools you need to automate your process, save time and optimise your coaching.

Image of a laptop with the strength coach toolkit data visualisation on
Example of the Strength Coach Toolkit on a computer
Image of the Strength Coach Nause Hybrid Training Template and Online Strength Coach

12 Week Hybrid Training Programme

Built alongside the Progress Theory Podcast this 12 week programme allows you structure your phases, weeks, and days to optimise your training plan.

Online Programming

Images of athlete monitoring, online strength coach and data visualisations from Strength Coach Nause

Online Programming

Completely individualized programming. Hire your online strength coach and get started via text and video chat platforms, plus video analysis and feedback.

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 All exercises are recommendations rather than strict prescription. Those completing the exercises do so at their own risk.

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